

- I wanted to use a computer based RPG because it allows for more options and can reach a greater target audience.

- I felt it necessary to give people the option of playing both good and bad guys because it makes the outcome of the game more interesting.

- The game has to be as real-looking as possible.

- The most important factor regarding the game is that it needs to offer the player an endless amount of options, regarding skills, upgrades, paths to take, exc. This factor will keep the player interested in the game even after he/she has beaten it.


During the time of the crusades, England wages war in a foreign land, and a young soldier, Robin of Loxley, returns home. Hoping to find peace amongst his family, Robin quickly realizes that peace must wait, for an evil has gripped the land of Nottingham. The Sheriff has ravaged the people of the land for taxes to fund his war against King Richard himself. The only one who stands in his way is Robin Hood. You decide the outcome.

I decided to base this RPG on a computer model. After doing some research I came to the conclusion that computer based RPG’s are far more appealing and profitable than traditional card games or other RPG’s. This RPG is called "Nottingham."


At the beginning, participants can choose which character they want to play as. Some of the main characters are Robin, Maid Marion, Little Jon, Azeem, the Sheriff, the Lieutenant, exc. Other characters include the Sheriff’s knights, Robin’s men, the peasants, the barbarians, the mercenaries, and the crusaders. Each character has his/her own special skills that are needed to complete the game. But since no character holds all of the skills needed, players must bargain, deal, communicate, and trade with other characters playing online. The story of the game remains the same for each character, but what’s different is the way in which each player moves through the game, and decisions and compromises must be made in the process. If, for example, you decide to play as a Sheriff knight, then you are given the task of seeing the Sheriff’s plan through by stopping those who are against you. A sheriff knight is granted certain skills that will help the player win in battles.


These games are held in sessions. There is no end to how long each session is, and it will continue until the end of the story (once one side wins). In order to play, a predetermined amount of people must join the session on each side. Once the game begins, it does not stop until a winner has been declared. Players who win a session are given bonus points that will enable them to enhance the abilities of their character. For those who just want to play the game by themselves, then there is another version that does not require other players or sessions. Instead, the player chooses a character and navigates that player through the story making decisions along the way. This version is far more elaborate and time consuming.